1999 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Representatives Moody, Coleman (65th)

House Resolution 24

(As Adopted by House)


WHEREAS, Reverend Ed Lovelest (L.L.) Logan has preached in various churches throughout the State of Mississippi for over 50 years; and

WHEREAS, Reverend Logan was born on August 4, 1911, to Lewis and Sarah Logan and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior at the early age of nine; and

WHEREAS, Reverend Logan's mother bought him a Bible and would diligently read to him, and as a child, he would go behind the barn and pray very loud; and

WHEREAS, throughout his long and distinguished career, Reverend Logan has ministered in several churches, including: Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church from 1947 to 1955 and from 1987 to the present; Spring Hill Missionary Baptist Church from 1945 to 1953; Beth Salem Missionary Baptist Church from 1953 to 1983; Callahan Missionary Baptist Church from 1954 to 1966; Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church from 1962 to the present; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church from 1957 to the present; and Pleasant Ridge Missionary Baptist Church from 1958 to the present; and

WHEREAS, Reverend Logan has held many leadership roles in the Mt. Olive District Association, including Moderator, District Dean and State Dean, and he currently serves as Moderator Emeritus; and

WHEREAS, Reverend Logan was lovingly supported in all his endeavors by his late wife, Catherine Gandy Logan, and continues to be supported by their children, Eddie Logan, Bessie Logan Malone, Mae Pearl Logan Bowden and Queen Esther Logan Long; and

WHEREAS, Reverend Logan, a loving father and devoted family man also raised his nephew, Tommie Logan, who is now deceased; and WHEREAS, it is the policy of the House of Representatives of the State of Mississippi to recognize and commend such outstanding Mississippians as Reverend Logan, who has dedicated his life to teaching others about Jesus Christ:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby commend Reverend Ed Lovelest (L.L.) Logan for his many years of outstanding service and for his remarkable ministry and extend to him our heartiest wishes for success in all his future endeavors.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to Reverend Ed Lovelest (L.L.) Logan and to members of the Capitol Press Corps.